

Hunting PTC (Pay Per Click)

PPC stands for Pay Per Click. A program the internet businesses that pay for each click on ads that are posted on the website or block members registered. In this PPC online business courses, one of them very well known and many make a successful members scrape the dollar is Google AdSense. In addition to higher payment and really - really pays Google AdSense is a field of the business on the internet to hunt down the dollar.
         It is true to say by the bloggers that Google AdSense is the best PPC for now. Many local and international PPC that characterizes today's Internet world, but have not been able to outperform the existence of Google adsense.
         Google Adsense is quite fair in the calculation of the number of clicks. Fair intent here is google really calculate per-click, and do not lock ip've never click. Unlike the current locale PPC is locked ip so that we can further the revenue decreases.
        Google AdSense is a pay per click program from google that pays each of its members to advertise on a website or block them. Every visitor / visitor who clicks on that advertisement, the advertiser (owner of the block or website) will get a commission (dollars) from google, just enough to be clicked by the visitor (visitors / block) automatically you as a publisher (owner of the web / block) AdSense will get a commission amount was calculated from the value predetermined by advertisers (those who advertise).
  1. Why program website Pay Per Click are willing to pay you? If no visitor (visitors) that click on ads that are posted on the block or on your website, then the site of PPC will get paid from the sponsor (= ie of the advertiser / adverisers), and from that website PPC Google AdSense earning ad revenue to pay you.
  2.  How PPC sites pay you? Usually the PPC sites Google AdSense pays its members through submissions via check every related countries, including Indonesia. Checks will be sent if the balance of your Google Adsense account has sufficient accordance with the terms and conditions of Google AdSense.
  3.  How much you will be paid by PPC sites Google AdSense? Each ad has a different rate in the payment of commission. The amount of commission, until now, Google AdSense has not provided an explanation on this point, but the exact amount of your commission will be proportional to the number of clicks a visitor happens to AdSense ads you post, the more clicks that happens the greater the commission that you will be able to.
  4.  How do you succeed in following the program Google AdSense PPC? Keep a lot of visitors who come kesitus you. The more visitors, the greater the chance your advertisements to be clicked by visitors. in this case you have to understand how to create a website or blocks you have many visitors, the trick will be described step by step in this block which increases the number of clicks PPC Tips, How to get a lot of visitors to the website or the block and with its SEO Techniques.
This is a wonderful start to hunt for dollars in one of the Internet to follow the program of Google AdSense PPC sites. To join Google AdSense, is easy enough. Enough to capitalize a website or a block, you can directly freefall hunting dollars although previously did not have experience in doing business online.
  • Go to the Google AdSense sites, and will appear as shown below:

  • Click the Sign up now, and you will be taken to a page like this:

  • On a form Feedback Information Website URL or web address of your blog and the introductory language, and check the small box provided below.

  • In the Contact Information select the type of account that you use for example select the individual, as well as the country where you live now and also input the full name and address of your home must be in accordance with the identity of the driver's license or ID card because it involves payment to you lest later you bother to cash your check if you managed to get a payment from Google AdSense.

  • Put your phone number and select one of the options from which you get information about Google AdSense. Tick the check box list labeled In addition, send me periodic newsletters with tips and best practices and occasional surveys to help Google improve AdSense.
  • On the Policies menu, tick the check list is only a third that indicates that you accept the rules that apply in Google AdSense. And followed by a click on the Submit Information button menu, you will be taken kehalaman where there is information in your data that you input earlier,

  • You check your data that has been displayed, if there is a mistake you can edit it by clicking on the menu box Back and correct data errors before you get to the next process.
  • Under the information in your data there are two options-choice question Which best describes you? if you already have an account with Google, you simply choose the first option of the two pieces of the option that says I have an email address and password (Google Account) I already use with Google services like AdWords, Gmail, Orkut, or the personalized home page. and will be shown again below 2 choice options Would you like to use your existing Google Account for AdSense? If you already have a Google Account on the first option as well that you choose that reads I'd like to use my existing Google account for AdSense.
  • If you choose the second option of choice question Which best describes you? that says I do not use Reviews These other services. I would like to create a new Google Account, it will display a registration form google account, input your e-mail address, the contents of the password as usual, then click Continue to proceed.

  • If you do tahaf - tahaf registration in Google AdSense properly, you will be taken kehalaman confirmation from Google AdSense in the form of notifications as an example the following text:
  • Wait 1 to 2 days there will be a notification is received or not your registration at Google AdSense, will be sent via email that you used when registering your Google AdSense account.
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