Manfaat Bagi Usus Kita dengan Biji Pepaya
Tak banyak yang tahu bahwa biji pepaya
yang biasa kita buang,
(Not many know that papaya seeds that we usually throw away,)
ternyata punya segudang manfaat. Salah-satunya, untuk menyingkirkan
(turned out to have many benefits. One of them, to get rid of)
racun-racun yang menumpuk di usus dan liver kita.
(toxins that accumulate in our gut and liver.)
(Not many know that papaya seeds that we usually throw away,)
ternyata punya segudang manfaat. Salah-satunya, untuk menyingkirkan
(turned out to have many benefits. One of them, to get rid of)
racun-racun yang menumpuk di usus dan liver kita.
(toxins that accumulate in our gut and liver.)
Penelitian menunjukkan, racun bisa menumpuk hingga seberat
(Research shows that toxins can accumulate up for)
delapan kilogram dalam usus kita. Ekstrak biji pepaya bahkan mampu melindungi ginjal dari racun yang
eight kilograms in our intestines. Papaya seed extract even able to protect the kidneys of toxins that)
memicu problem gagal ginjal.
(trigger kidney failure problem.)
(Research shows that toxins can accumulate up for)
delapan kilogram dalam usus kita. Ekstrak biji pepaya bahkan mampu melindungi ginjal dari racun yang
memicu problem gagal ginjal.
(trigger kidney failure problem.)
Biji pepaya juga
mampu membunuh parasit dalam bersarang dalam pencernaan. Dokter Wahyu
Triasmara, dalam Club Diet Sehat bersama dr. Wahyu Triasmara - DrW,
menjelaskan, biji pepaya juga mengandung zat antikolesterol yang hebat.
Mengkonsumsi biji buah pepaya juga bermanfaat sebagai antioksidan dalam darah. Ini teruji dalam penelitian mengenai jus biji buah pepaya, secara signifikan dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan LDL (lipoprotein densitas rendah), serta meningkatkan kadar HDL.
Ekstrak biji pepaya ini
memiliki kandungan alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, saponi anthraquinones,
dan anthocyanosides. Dengan adanya kandungan ekstrak tersebut, biji pepaya ini mempunyai efek hipolipidemia dan antioksidan dalam darah yang luar biasa.
hipolipidemia ini, sangat berguna bagi terapi alternatif
hiperlipidemia yang disebabkan adanya lemak nabati atau kolesterol
dalam jumlah terlalu tinggi.
Adapun, saponin yang ada dalam biji pepaya,
bermanfaat untuk menurunkan aktifitas kolesterol serum seperti aksi
resin, yaitu dengan mengurangi sirkulasi enterohepatik asam empedu.
penghambatan reaksi oksidasi kolesterol LDL ini maka dapat menurunkan
kadar kolesterol darah. Kandungan Fitokimia memiliki peran aktif bagi
pencegahan penyakit. Sementara Flavonoid merupakan antioksidan yang
dapat menangkap radikal bebas," jelasnya.
Lalu, bagaimana cara untuk bisa mengkonsumsi biji pepaya yang menyehatkan itu? Ada dua cara. Pertama, biji pepaya itu diblender dan disajikan seperti kita membuat jus.
Kedua, dengan mengeringkannya, dan meblendernya, sebelum kemudian menyeduhnya seperti kita menyeduh kopi.
"Papaya seeds are also able to kill the parasite within nested in digestion. Doctors Revelation Triasmara, the Club Diet with dr. Revelation Triasmara - DRW, explains, papaya seeds also contain anti-cholesterol terrific.Consuming papaya seeds also useful as an antioxidant in the blood. It's been tested in research on juice papaya seeds, can significantly lower cholesterol and LDL (low density lipoprotein), and to increase HDL levels.The papaya seed extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones saponi, and anthocyanosides. Given the content of the extract, papaya seeds and this has the effect of antioxidants in the blood hipolipidemia outstanding.Hipolipidemia effect is very useful for alternative therapies hyperlipidemia are caused by vegetable fat or cholesterol in an amount too high.Meanwhile, saponin contained in the seeds of papaya, useful for lowering serum cholesterol activities such as resin action, namely by reducing the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids."Through the inhibition of LDL cholesterol oxidation reaction is, it can lower blood cholesterol levels. The content of Phytochemicals have an active role for the prevention of disease. While Flavonoids are antioxidants that can capture free radicals, "he explained.Then, how to consume papaya seeds that nourish it? There are two ways. First, the papaya seeds are blended and served as we make juice.Second, with the drying, and meblendernya, before then menyeduhnya as we make coffee."
"Papaya seeds are also able to kill the parasite within nested in digestion. Doctors Revelation Triasmara, the Club Diet with dr. Revelation Triasmara - DRW, explains, papaya seeds also contain anti-cholesterol terrific.Consuming papaya seeds also useful as an antioxidant in the blood. It's been tested in research on juice papaya seeds, can significantly lower cholesterol and LDL (low density lipoprotein), and to increase HDL levels.The papaya seed extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones saponi, and anthocyanosides. Given the content of the extract, papaya seeds and this has the effect of antioxidants in the blood hipolipidemia outstanding.Hipolipidemia effect is very useful for alternative therapies hyperlipidemia are caused by vegetable fat or cholesterol in an amount too high.Meanwhile, saponin contained in the seeds of papaya, useful for lowering serum cholesterol activities such as resin action, namely by reducing the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids."Through the inhibition of LDL cholesterol oxidation reaction is, it can lower blood cholesterol levels. The content of Phytochemicals have an active role for the prevention of disease. While Flavonoids are antioxidants that can capture free radicals, "he explained.Then, how to consume papaya seeds that nourish it? There are two ways. First, the papaya seeds are blended and served as we make juice.Second, with the drying, and meblendernya, before then menyeduhnya as we make coffee."
Bagaimana cara mengolah biji dari pepaya :
How to cultivate the seeds of papaya:
How to cultivate the seeds of papaya:
1. Cuci biji pepaya, lantas jemur 2-3 hari.
Wash the papaya seeds, then dry in the sun for 2-3 days.
Wash the papaya seeds, then dry in the sun for 2-3 days.
2. Setelah kering, blender/tumbuk biji pepaya tersebut hingga jadi serbuk.
Once dry, blender / mashed papaya seeds until finished powder.
Once dry, blender / mashed papaya seeds until finished powder.
Ambil satu sendok teh serbuk dan campur dengan satu gelas air hangat.
Bisa dicampurkan dengan madu atau sedikit gula agar rasanya lebih
nikmat. (Atau bisa dibuat Jus langsung campur daging buah pepaya dengan bijinya dan minum 1-2 gelas jus biji pepaya tersebut setiap hari).
Take one teaspoon of powdered and mixed with one cup of warm water. Can be mixed with a little honey or sugar to taste more delicious. (Or it could be made directly mixed meat juice of papaya fruit with seeds and drink 1-2 glasses of juice of papaya seeds every day).
Take one teaspoon of powdered and mixed with one cup of warm water. Can be mixed with a little honey or sugar to taste more delicious. (Or it could be made directly mixed meat juice of papaya fruit with seeds and drink 1-2 glasses of juice of papaya seeds every day).
dalam 14 hari pencernaan anda makin sehat tubuh makin bugar. Saya dan
keluarga sudah mencobanya, orang tua saya yang sebelumnya kolesterol
270, dalam 10 hari menjadi 170. Pasien saya pun telah menerapkan metode
ini. Aman dan alami…," pungkas dokter Wahyu.
Prove your digestion in 14 days more healthy body more fit. My family and I've tried, my parents were previously cholesterol 270, within 10 days to 170. My patient has also applied this method. Safe and natural
Prove your digestion in 14 days more healthy body more fit. My family and I've tried, my parents were previously cholesterol 270, within 10 days to 170. My patient has also applied this method. Safe and natural