

You see the results of Gomez PEER Zone - Install Program can $

Do Gomez PEER Zone can earn?

Good chance it will be explained what Gomezpeerzone is a site that pays users to install software GomezPEER them to their computers. To get the money my friends have to sign up for a free account, then download, install and then let it run applications without having to worry about disturbing the operating system as well as the usual browsing activities of my friends did.
Friends can be approved only when friends meet their needs or friends may try next time. Friends can create more opportunities in the pan of dollars with just install GomezPEER on as many computers as friends want and it also helps friends to get an account gomez approved.

Indeed, the results are not a lot of that is up to $ 45 per month, but passable for only online only without doing anything else friends can earn passive income, once again make sure that every time the computer is connected friends gomezpeerzone application in a state of running.!
Hopefully useful ....
What exactly is the "PEER"? peer systems can be encountered in landing loan program.

     The Gomez PEER is a secure Java-based application that runs in the background PC friends. Friends may even forget it's there, because it will not interfere with the way friends using friends' computers. Using the Internet, peer-to-peer distributed computing technology, the Gomez PEER combines the spare capacity of PCs around the world to measure the performance of Web sites.

Having friends to install the Gomez PEER, it will periodically communicate with Gomez servers via the Internet, signal that it is available for work, and request a work unit. and friends will be credited for the time of online friends and work processed approximately every 15 minutes that the application is running.

Based on the characteristics of friends computer (Internet connection type, geographic location and Internet service provider), PC friends will receive instructions to independently test the performance of Web sites - gathering important metrics that help identify network bottlenecks and performance problems. All of this happens "behind the scenes," even when friends are away from your PC or sleep. Finally, PC friends will send the results back to Gomez, where they are added to the work of thousands

User Interfase GomezPEER The Gomez PEER user interface is the main way friends interact with the system. Not only report system activity, but friends and account balance Account Status screen shoot, too. A proof is shown below.


Status processor accounts using Paypal: immediately create an account at if you already have can be directly applied at the time of first registration.

How it works Gomez PEER Zone
The way it works is:
1.   Register,  Gomez PEER Zone after successfully register and log / log download   menu is available in the accounts of friends.
2.  First of all installed our status is still pending. Order status becomes active friends need time between 10 days to 20 days or even more to become active status. Quick lengthy process of an active peng status depends on how old friends turn on the computer and connected to the Internet. The more often and longer Gomez PEER Zone connected to the Internet, the faster the status of friends changed from pending becomes active

Software will calculate our online time to a matter of minutes. Credit will be inserted every 15 minutes, and certainly even computer friends left, Gomez PEER Zone will keep the time online friends of friends as long as the computer is still in a state of on and stay connected to the internet. All type of internet connection can participate in this program, be it dial-up, ADSL, or broadband access.

So his conclusion, by simply installing the Gomez PEER Zone friends can already get Dollar

This is the details of the calculation of the appropriate time to be friends get if join the Gomez PEER Zone
  • Online time per day = $ 0.10
  • Process Per Minute = $ 0.0005
  • Per Active Referral Bonus = $ 1.00
  • Minimum payment / month = $ 5.00
  • Maximum Payment / month = $ 45.0
Either immediately wrote friends to register and create a free account below:

Account Balance: This displays the amount of time PC online friends are available, the amount of time and work processed Friends income for the month, day and a lifetime as a Gomez PEER.

Why should Gomez Peer?

        In the era of digital world we all now depend on the Internet, both for news and information, shopping, stock trading or even critical business transactions. Unfortunately, we also expect delays, slow pages, sites that stalled, and even important transactions that do not execute.
Now there is a way for friends to help make a difference in the performance of the Internet "using the capacity of otherwise unused on the PC friends. And, earn cash in the process! Using the computing horsepower combination of thousands of PCs around the world, Gomez can measure, for the first time, real-world performance web sites - from the perspective of end-users. Data collected by friends to be used by customers Gomez to improve the performance of their web sites - eventually improving the online experience for all of us. Now, Gomez is looking for users of all over the world with different types of internet connection, including dial "up and broadband pengguna.Ini only takes a few minutes to join the community and become PEER Gomez.Pastikan to bring our Terms of service for more details. There is a new feature that allows the Gomez PEER ou to hide the user interface at start-up. Select "Preferences" under the "Options" menu. At the bottom of the preferences panel, there is a section for setting PEER. If the checkbox next to "Launch PEER window at startup program" is checked, then the Gomez PEER user interface will appear every program run. If the box is not dcentang, PEER will load, but will remain hidden in the background. An example of the preferences screen is shown below.

which must be considered username must comply with the registration and then click save and start running and wait for the process of counting minutes / hour.
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